I thought I would give you an update on the office/studio, my hubbo and his Dad have been working on it all over the Christmas period. After this photo was taken the roof trussers were put in place yeh!
This ones for Sara, I don't see your photo up on your blog! Me & Sara met up on Christmas Eve in Chesterfield and she bought these THINGS, and told me I had to take a picture of me wearing it and put it up on my blog.
My little dear starts back at school tomorrow so to start with list One.
- Order Fabric
- Cut out 10 kids aprons
- Make up a half pinnie/tea towel
- Send out Thank you cards
- Think about the photo's for my website
Very realistic list don't you think!
Thank you all very much for the comments you leave on my blog, but if you talk to any of my friends they will tell you that I am rubbish to replying to a text message never mind an email!! I do love reading them so please keep leaving them.
Nice antlers!!!! :)
Back to school tomorrow for my daughter too - but still another couple of years before the little starts :(
I love term time, ha ha ha ha ha (I am such a bad, bad mother)
Hope you have managed to get some of your list done today...my diet is going well. I have only eaten two pieces of gingerbread so far.Hmm.
Love the antlers !
Yep, me too as far as school is concerned, Tilly, not me ...
Will let you know how my Etsy is going :)
Love those antlers !!!
Sara x
this picture made me laugh, I spent most of December walking around with these on my head...
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